The Do’s and Don’ts of Riding Camels in Uluru

If you’re planning to visit the resplendent Uluru Ayers Rock and Kata Tjuta, riding a camel can be a part of an interesting travel experience. While you don’t need to be trained in camel riding prior to your first camel tour, you still need to abide by these guidelines to ensure your safety:

  1. Do follow what your guide says

Listen and do what your guide tells you before, during and after the camel tour. Even if you’ve had your share of riding other animals (e.g. horses), this doesn’t automatically mean you can handle a camel easily, since riding, let alone mounting, a camel is a different experience in itself.

Don’t ignore your guide’s instructions. For instance, don’t ever get on your camel unless your guide has tied it to something and has been secured for safe riding. For the fearful, it’s a relief to know that it’s not that complicated to ride a camel — you just need to swing your leg over the back and place yourself in the middle of the camel’s back, and lean back in your saddle as the camel starts to raise itself from its back legs.

  1. Do wear protective clothing

Wearing long pants and socks can protect you when exposed to the sun. This also prevents contact itchiness that might occur when you’re riding the camel, since its motion and the weather can affect your clothing.

It could be very hot in the Northern Territory during the summer, but don’t wear anything that’s too short or revealing. Leave being wild to the creatures of the wilderness – there’s no point in wearing anything that’s too provocative in the outback. By putting on appropriate clothes, you can also reduce the risk of sustaining injury and allergies.


  1. Do take pictures only when your gadgets are secured

Who can’t resist taking photos of bizarre things you don’t always get to do every day? Camel-riders know that it’s a precious opportunity for photos, but don’t let excitement get the better of you before your smartphone or camera drops to the ground. Keep your device in protective gear, and don’t move around too much while you’re mounted, as this might alarm or annoy the camel.

When the tour is on break or you’re unmounted, make sure that don’t stand in front of your camel, since they can sneeze or blow a big bubble of foam from their mouths.

  1. Do bring a light painkiller

Riding any animal can be uncomfortable for an extended period of time. The size of the camel’s body and your position on its top can take a toll on you when you go for tours that last for more than an hour. Take light painkillers, such as Tylenol or Aspirin, to deal with discomfort when the ride takes too long.

Don’t litter when taking your meds or consuming food and drinks during the tour. No, being sneaky about throwing your trash doesn’t erase the fact that you’re not doing mother nature a favor. Keep that trash in your pocket or bag to yourself. It will be obvious if you decide to throw down something, since you’re riding on top of a tall camel. They might also attempt to eat or examine your trash, so put it first in your bag until you’ve found a proper trash disposal area.


Riding a camel doesn’t exactly spell a fast journey, but it’s through these slow phases that you can take a break from everything and witness the rocky yet ravishing gems of Erldunda and the rest of the Northern Territory.

There’s more to the Northern Territory than just camel riding and sightseeing — contact us at the Erldunda Roadhouse to find out how to make your Australian journey educational and entertaining!


Shoot for the Sun! Tips for Taking Great Sunset Photos in NT

Looking for a sunset picture that you can both frame and proudly post in your Instagram account? Collecting sunset photos while staying in Northern Territory will no longer be a frustrating job for budding photographers and selfie-savvy travellers with these sunset photography tips:

Camera Techniques

Avoid looking at the sun directly through your camera lens, since this can ruin your vision. Instead of looking through your lens, you can compose the scene using your LCD monitor by enabling your camera’s live view function.

Set your shooting mode to aperture priority to gain total control over the depth of field when photographing a landscape at sunset. Choose a small aperture with an f-stop value of 1/16 or higher. If your camera has image stabilisation, then a shutter speed of 1/30 of a second should be fine.

Do you want to capture the sunset together with your surroundings for that great summer souvenir? When you’re taking a photo with a compelling landscape, go with a wide-angle focal length between 24mm and 35mm. Tone down to the lowest possible ISO setting for sunset shots; however, you can increase it if there are plenty of clouds blocking the sun on that day.

Some cameras metre the scene and crank up the exposure to create a sunset image that’s brighter than it actually is. Unfortunately, this creates a photo where there are dark parts in your photo. In this case, you can use exposure compensation to decrease the exposure and balance the visibility of the elements in the picture.

For darker shots without the annoying noise, reverse graduated neutral density filter does wonders – this makes the horizon darker and helps your camera manage the dynamic range.  



Use a tripod if you’re shooting at longer shutter speeds and with longer focal lengths. It also makes your shots more stable (if you don’t have a good grip), gives sharper images and enables you to make use of creative shutter speeds. Tripods are also a must-have if you prefer using your own smartphone when taking sunset pictures.

Equipping your camera with telephoto lens means getting images where the sun will be much larger and the other other elements will be compressed. This creates the illusion of the objects appearing closer to the camera and each other than they really are.

Location and Time

You can’t just shoot from anywhere and expect to get a stunning picture of the sunset. Sometimes, your location may be too high or there could be other things blocking the view. That’s why you should spend a few days ahead of your shoot to look for a great sunset viewing platform in Northern Territory.

Having the best camera techniques and equipment is enough to take the best shot. It could be difficult to take a great sunset shot when the skies are too cloudy, or the weather is too gloomy. Stay tuned to weather forecasts for the next few days, and pick a day where there are clear skies for a picture-perfect sunset.

On the day of your sunset shoot, find out when the sun will set, and get to the sunset viewing platform at least half an hour before the reported sunset time. Score a great place where you can take sunset photos, and consider the foreground elements and silhouettes in the background as well.


Take these tips to heart so you can take photos that perfectly preserve your memories while you’re staying in Erldunda. Your sunset photo serves as a lasting memoir to a fleeting yet mesmerising moment on our planet when the sun sets off to call it a day.

Looking for stunning sceneries to take pictures of while you’re in Erldunda? Contact us at Erldunda Roadhouse to know the best places suited for travel photography!


The Top 10 Dangerous Snakes of Central Australia

It’s a pretty well-known fact that Australia is no stranger to frenetic and ferocious creatures such as snakes. In fact, 140 species of land snakes can be found in the country, possessing venom that can quickly knock one out.

Snakes could be lurking in Erldunda, but don’t expect to get bitten to death so easily, since snake bite casualties are pretty rare according to herpetologist and venom export Bryan Fry, adding that “snake bites are very, very rare [in Australia] and often the fault of the person being bitten.” Familiarising yourself is one step forward to safety, so here’s an in-depth at the slithering snakes of Central Australia:

1) Black Whip Snake


Venomous Black Whip Snakes are pretty docile creatures who will not attack unless they’re provoked. Their colours range from black to dark brown combined with paler head and reddish tail and their whole body can be 1.5 metres long.

2) Western Brown


These are the snakes you should stay away from once you catch sight of them. Highly venomous and prone to attacking detected threats, Western Brown snakes can differ in colour, but they all come with a black Y shape on neck.

3) Brown Tree Snake


While not as aggressive as Western Brown Snakes, these slightly venomous snakes can also attack when cornered. They are active during the night and live in trees, so if you’re camping outside, don’t forget to watch out for these snakes in the area.

4) Death Adder


Another highly venomous snake is the short and stubby Death Adder, which grows to 1.2 metres. They have very pronounced broad head with raised ridges just above their eyes.

5) Olive Python


Although they are not venomous, Olive Pythons can look very intimidating, since they can grow up to 6.5 metres long! These terrestrial snakes can be found living in under rocks or logs, so keep an eye out for these pythons when you’re on a bushwalk.

6) Water Python


These pythons are known for their rainbow-like scales with colours ranging from dark olive to black, possessing bright yellow underbelly. Non-venomous, water pythons are semi-aquatic and they can be found mostly in wetland areas such as streams or creeks.

7) Woma


These muscular and gigantic snakes can be found in desert areas of Central Australia. They are non-venomous and nocturnal snakes that can grow up to 2 metres in length.

8) Children’s Python


Don’t get fooled by the name — these non-venomous snakes are known to bite anyone that crosses their way. They can be identified with their brown to reddish brown streaks that are combined with darker blotches along their back and sides.

9) King Brown


The King Brown snakes are enormous snakes that can expand up to 2.5 metres. Also called as Mugla snakes, they possess deadly venom, and can be easily spotted due to their pale brown to reddish-coloured scales.

10) Slaty Grey


Probably the most aggressive snake in our list, Slaty Grey snakes are non-venomous reptiles that can release foul smell as part of their defense mechanism. They possess deep brown to a dark grey or charcoal scale colour, which makes it a bit difficult to spot them at night, where they stay hidden under deep cracks in the soil or debris.

When you encounter any of these snakes, keep calm and carefully avoid them, since panicking might alert them the wrong way. For snake problems, you can call Parks and Wildlife Commission in Alice Springs at 0407 983 276. While waiting for help, don’t even attempt to harm or throw objects at these snakes because they might retaliate, and make sure to maintain your distance as you continue your journey to the centre.